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КМВ Пропърти Мениджмънт ЕООД, Agenţie de proprietăți imobiliare, Bulgaria, Sofia, Sofia

КМВ Пропърти Мениджмънт ЕООД
Agenţie de proprietăți imobiliare
Cunoștința pieții
(0 Review-uri)
Noi vorbim
Bulgară, Engleză

We offer our clients a diverse range of services related to the sale and letting of property. Our long experience will translate you smoothly throughout the process.

Purchase and rental
Our long experience and the contacts we have built and preserved over the years in the real estate market give us the real opportunity to provide for quick sale and letting of your property.

Credit assistance
With our help you will be able to get the necessary credit for your needs.

Repair and furnishing
We are a team of qualified specialists in various areas covering the entire repair process. We offer you high-quality, complete and partial repairs of apartments, houses, villas, offices, restaurants, shops and more.

Project Management
The management of investment projects requires specific skills related to the coordination of professionals from different fields and compliance with the set parameters for time, cost and quality.

Project and building documentation
Elaboration of the CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT of the investment project with the essential requirements for the construction and the SURVEY DURING THE CONSTRUCTION.


Birou central
Sofia, Sofia
  • Mladost 4, Prof. Alexander Tanev Str., Building 469 А, Ground floor /office 6/
  • +359 887 98 93 98
  • +359 883 200 300
  • +359 2 426 80 22
  • orar:
  • Luni - Sâmbătă
  • 9:00 - 18:00 ore

42.6262 23.3847 17
Sofia, Sofia
  • +359 888200350


  • Închiriere imobile rezidențiale
  • Imobile rezidenţiale de vânzare
  • Imobile comerciale de vânzare/ închiriere
  • Construcție, dezvoltare, proiecte de investiții
  • Management Imobilelor
  • Consultanţă de investiţii
  • Operațiuni cu terenuri funciare
  • Asistență în obținerea de credite ipotecare
  • Design şi arhitectură
  • Activități de construcții şi instalare
  • Servicii juridice la toate etapele de achiziţionarea de bunuri imobiliare


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