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Tenerife Estate Agents, Agenţie de proprietăți imobiliare, Spaniya, Insulele Canare, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Tenerife Estate Agents
Agenţie de proprietăți imobiliare
Cunoștința pieții
(0 Review-uri)
Noi vorbim
Engleză, Spaniolă

We firmly believe we are offering something quite unique and a service which is very much needed in order to drag the Tenerife property market and Tenerife Estate Agents into the 21st Century. Our ability to market properties widely is unmatched by any other estate agents. We have a large network of other good agents we work with and our website is number one in Google for many Tenerife property search term making us the best place to advertise.
What we offer:

Competitive up to date Tenerife property listings, repossessions and distressed sales
100% mortgages on select repossessed Tenerife property
Expert mortgage advice (we are the biggest provider of non-resident mortgage in the whole of Spain!)
A 100% Guarantee you will not lose your deposit if you do not obtain a mortgage for any reason
Honest transparent estate agents and a choice of completely independent legal experts


Birou central
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Insulele Canare
  • +34 671114013


  • Închiriere imobile rezidențiale
  • Imobile rezidenţiale de vânzare
  • Servicii juridice și consultanță
  • Asistență în obținerea de credite ipotecare
  • Servicii juridice la toate etapele de achiziţionarea de bunuri imobiliare


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