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Pink Real Estate Lda, Agenţie de proprietăți imobiliare, Portugalia, Madeira, Funchal

Pink Real Estate Lda
Agenţie de proprietăți imobiliare
Cunoștința pieții
(0 Review-uri)
Noi vorbim
Engleză, Portugheză, Spaniolă, Germană, Franceză

The head office and heart of the company is located in Funchal, Madeira. We first opened our doors in September 2006. Shortly after, in 2007, Pink Real Estate Lda opened a second branch in Machico. Our success is largely due to our driving ambition to provide a 7 star service to our clients and a win-win situation with our partners locally and internationally.

Our experience and knowledge in both residential and commercial property markets in Porto Santo and particularly Madeira is drawn from our management and staff´ wide span of experience in the Real Estate industry.
With 15 staff members ranging from prospectors, salespersons, management, IT, Administration and free-lance prospectors, our qualified staff ensure that we see our Clients through the buying process step by step.

Pink Real Estate is situated on the road, Rua Dr. Brito Câmara (Located in front of the bulding “Edifício 2000”, next to La Vie shopping mall) . When you opt for our company, you are choosing excellence. If you would like to buy or sell a property, talk to us!

We take you through the buying and selling process and our professional staff accompany you step by step.

Our services include:

Selling of Properties
Property Appraisal
Real Estate Advertising
Relocation Services


Birou central
Funchal, Madeira
  • Rua João Tavira, 55
  • +351 291 759 177


  • Închiriere imobile rezidențiale
  • Imobile rezidenţiale de vânzare
  • Imobile comerciale de vânzare/ închiriere
  • Construcție, dezvoltare, proiecte de investiții
  • Management Imobilelor
  • Servicii juridice și consultanță
  • Excursie pentru recunoaştere
  • Asistență în obținerea de credite ipotecare
  • Asistență în obținerea cetățeniei, formarea vizelor de ședere, permanentă și temporară
  • De vânzare afaceri la cheie
  • Servicii juridice la toate etapele de achiziţionarea de bunuri imobiliare
  • Activități de construcții şi instalare
  • Deschidere conturilor în bănci străine
  • Consultanţă de investiţii
  • Design şi arhitectură
  • Asigurare


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